10-Letter Words

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On this page, you can find a full list of 37,235 10-letter words in the English language, followed by a detailed analysis of the most common letters in this group. To go through such a huge list of words, certain filtering is required, and our WordsFinder tool has all the advanced filtering tools available for this task.

List of 10-letter words

In the English language, there are 37,235 words with 10 letters, accounting for 13.30% of all words. This makes 10-letter words the third largest group of words in English. Considering that the average 10-letter word is worth 16.18 points in Scrabble, these words are very valuable assets in this game, as well as Words With Friends and similar word games.

On this page

What are the most common letters in 10-letter words?

Letter 10-letter words containing % of 10-letter words containing
E 28137 75.57%
I 25084 67.37%
S 24984 67.10%
R 21864 58.72%
A 21670 58.20%
N 20151 54.12%
T 19943 53.56%
O 18848 50.62%
L 15726 42.23%
C 13310 35.75%
D 11233 30.17%
U 10853 29.15%
P 9863 26.49%
M 9677 25.99%
G 9516 25.56%
H 8527 22.90%
B 6123 16.44%
Y 5218 14.01%
F 3820 10.26%
V 3280 8.81%
K 2791 7.50%
W 2487 6.68%
Z 1640 4.40%
X 1063 2.85%
Q 625 1.68%
J 506 1.36%

What are the most common starting letters in 10-letter words?

  • One in nine words with 10 letters starts with the letter S (11.50%), the most common starting letter among this group of words.
  • 9.34% of 10-letter words start with the letter P, 9.33% start with C, and 6.09% start with M.
  • One-third of all 10-letter words start with one of the above-mentioned letters.
  • While only 0.64% of 10-letter words start with the letter J, this accounts for more than 47.43% of occurrences of this letter among 10-letter words. This is the highest share of starting positions among letters in this group.
Letter 10-letter words starting with % of 10-letter words starting with
S 4282 11.50%
P 3477 9.34%
C 3474 9.33%
M 2266 6.09%
A 2259 6.07%
D 2231 5.99%
R 2019 5.42%
B 1809 4.86%
T 1760 4.73%
E 1729 4.64%
U 1500 4.03%
I 1395 3.75%
H 1379 3.70%
F 1340 3.60%
O 1329 3.57%
G 1100 2.95%
L 904 2.43%
N 832 2.23%
W 644 1.73%
V 589 1.58%
K 286 0.77%
J 240 0.64%
Q 166 0.45%
Z 119 0.32%
X 55 0.15%
Y 51 0.14%

What are the most common ending letters in 10-letter words?

  • Over 42.39% of all words with 10 letters end with the letter S, which is by far the most common ending letter in this group of words.
  • Also, 63.18% of occurrences of the letter S in 10-letter words are as the ending letter.
  • 9.88% of 10-letter words end with the letter E, 9.53% end with D, 8.94% end with G, and 6.44% end with Y.
  • Over 77% of all words with 10 letters end with one of the five above-mentioned letters.
  • On the other hand, there are no 10-letter words that end with J, Q, or V.
Letter 10-letter words ending with % of 10-letter words ending with
S 15784 42.39%
E 3679 9.88%
D 3549 9.53%
G 3327 8.94%
Y 2397 6.44%
R 1770 4.75%
T 1635 4.39%
N 1184 3.18%
C 997 2.68%
L 971 2.61%
M 574 1.54%
A 517 1.39%
H 270 0.73%
K 164 0.44%
P 120 0.32%
I 104 0.28%
O 97 0.26%
X 34 0.09%
F 29 0.08%
W 19 0.05%
B 7 0.02%
U 6 0.02%
Z 1 0.00%
V 0 0.00%
J 0 0.00%
Q 0 0.00%

What are the most commonly used 10-letter words in the English language?

While over 13% of all English words are 10 letters long, these words are not among the most frequently used words in the everyday language. In fact, only 2.03% of all words used in the regular communication are 10-letter words.

  • The most frequently used 10-letter word is GOVERNMENT, accounting for just over 0.06% of all words used during the day.
  • UNIVERSITY is the next on the list, accounting for 0.04% of all words and 1.93% of all 10-letter words used.
  • The verb UNDERSTAND accounts for 1.78% of all 10-letter words used, EXPERIENCE accounts for 1.77%, and ESPECIALLY for 1.20% of all 10-letter words.
  • Almost 58% of all 10-letter words are either nouns or proper nouns, 22.78% are adjectives, 11.54% are verbs, and 7.39% are adverbs.
  • Frequency-wise, nouns and proper nouns account for close to 66% of all 10-letter words used, adjectives account for 16.67%, adverbs account for 8.13%, and verbs account for 7.85%.
Word Word type Frequency Frequency among 10-letter words
GOVERNMENT Noun 0.06% 2.96%
UNIVERSITY Proper noun 0.04% 1.93%
UNDERSTAND Verb 0.04% 1.78%
EXPERIENCE Noun 0.04% 1.77%
ESPECIALLY Adverb 0.02% 1.20%
RESTAURANT Noun 0.02% 1.10%
INDIVIDUAL Noun 0.02% 1.09%
POPULATION Noun 0.02% 1.09%
DIFFERENCE Noun 0.02% 0.92%
TECHNOLOGY Noun 0.02% 0.92%
PRODUCTION Noun 0.02% 0.84%
EVERYTHING Noun 0.02% 0.77%
PARTICULAR Adjective 0.02% 0.75%
MANAGEMENT Noun 0.01% 0.71%
THEMSELVES Pronoun 0.01% 0.67%


Find words that start with these letters (e.g. T ⇒ Train, TH ⇒ THought)
Find words that end with these letters (e.g. T ⇒ carT, TH ⇒ paTH)
Find words that contain letters in this order (e.g. TH ⇒ THought, paTH, eTHos)
Only shows words of a specific length (e.g. 5 ⇒ 5 letter words, 3 ⇒ 3 letter words)