On this page, you can find a full list of 37,235 10-letter words in the English language, followed by a detailed analysis of the most common letters in this group. To go through such a huge list of words, certain filtering is required, and our WordsFinder tool has all the advanced filtering tools available for this task.
List of 10-letter words
In the English language, there are 37,235 words with 10 letters, accounting for 13.30% of all words. This makes 10-letter words the third largest group of words in English. Considering that the average 10-letter word is worth 16.18 points in Scrabble, these words are very valuable assets in this game, as well as Words With Friends and similar word games.
On this page
- List of 10-letter words
- Most common letters in 10-letter words
- Most common starting letters in 10-letter words
- Most common ending letters in 10-letter words
- Most common 10-letter words in the English language
What are the most common letters in 10-letter words?
- More than three-quarters of 10-letter words contain the letter E, which is the most common letter in this group of words.
- 67.37% of words with 10 letters contain the letter I, 67.10% of them contain S, 58.72% contain R, and 58.20% of 10-letter words contain A.
- More than 50% of 10-letter words contain letters N, T, and O as well.
- J is the least common letter in 10-letter words, appearing in only 1.36% of all words from this group.
- 1.68% of 10-letter words contain the letter Q, 2.85% contain X, and 4.40% contain the letter Z.
Letter | 10-letter words containing | % of 10-letter words containing |
E | 28137 | 75.57% |
I | 25084 | 67.37% |
S | 24984 | 67.10% |
R | 21864 | 58.72% |
A | 21670 | 58.20% |
N | 20151 | 54.12% |
T | 19943 | 53.56% |
O | 18848 | 50.62% |
L | 15726 | 42.23% |
C | 13310 | 35.75% |
D | 11233 | 30.17% |
U | 10853 | 29.15% |
P | 9863 | 26.49% |
M | 9677 | 25.99% |
G | 9516 | 25.56% |
H | 8527 | 22.90% |
B | 6123 | 16.44% |
Y | 5218 | 14.01% |
F | 3820 | 10.26% |
V | 3280 | 8.81% |
K | 2791 | 7.50% |
W | 2487 | 6.68% |
Z | 1640 | 4.40% |
X | 1063 | 2.85% |
Q | 625 | 1.68% |
J | 506 | 1.36% |
What are the most common starting letters in 10-letter words?
- One in nine words with 10 letters starts with the letter S (11.50%), the most common starting letter among this group of words.
- 9.34% of 10-letter words start with the letter P, 9.33% start with C, and 6.09% start with M.
- One-third of all 10-letter words start with one of the above-mentioned letters.
- While only 0.64% of 10-letter words start with the letter J, this accounts for more than 47.43% of occurrences of this letter among 10-letter words. This is the highest share of starting positions among letters in this group.
Letter | 10-letter words starting with | % of 10-letter words starting with |
S | 4282 | 11.50% |
P | 3477 | 9.34% |
C | 3474 | 9.33% |
M | 2266 | 6.09% |
A | 2259 | 6.07% |
D | 2231 | 5.99% |
R | 2019 | 5.42% |
B | 1809 | 4.86% |
T | 1760 | 4.73% |
E | 1729 | 4.64% |
U | 1500 | 4.03% |
I | 1395 | 3.75% |
H | 1379 | 3.70% |
F | 1340 | 3.60% |
O | 1329 | 3.57% |
G | 1100 | 2.95% |
L | 904 | 2.43% |
N | 832 | 2.23% |
W | 644 | 1.73% |
V | 589 | 1.58% |
K | 286 | 0.77% |
J | 240 | 0.64% |
Q | 166 | 0.45% |
Z | 119 | 0.32% |
X | 55 | 0.15% |
Y | 51 | 0.14% |
What are the most common ending letters in 10-letter words?
- Over 42.39% of all words with 10 letters end with the letter S, which is by far the most common ending letter in this group of words.
- Also, 63.18% of occurrences of the letter S in 10-letter words are as the ending letter.
- 9.88% of 10-letter words end with the letter E, 9.53% end with D, 8.94% end with G, and 6.44% end with Y.
- Over 77% of all words with 10 letters end with one of the five above-mentioned letters.
- On the other hand, there are no 10-letter words that end with J, Q, or V.
Letter | 10-letter words ending with | % of 10-letter words ending with |
S | 15784 | 42.39% |
E | 3679 | 9.88% |
D | 3549 | 9.53% |
G | 3327 | 8.94% |
Y | 2397 | 6.44% |
R | 1770 | 4.75% |
T | 1635 | 4.39% |
N | 1184 | 3.18% |
C | 997 | 2.68% |
L | 971 | 2.61% |
M | 574 | 1.54% |
A | 517 | 1.39% |
H | 270 | 0.73% |
K | 164 | 0.44% |
P | 120 | 0.32% |
I | 104 | 0.28% |
O | 97 | 0.26% |
X | 34 | 0.09% |
F | 29 | 0.08% |
W | 19 | 0.05% |
B | 7 | 0.02% |
U | 6 | 0.02% |
Z | 1 | 0.00% |
V | 0 | 0.00% |
J | 0 | 0.00% |
Q | 0 | 0.00% |
What are the most commonly used 10-letter words in the English language?
While over 13% of all English words are 10 letters long, these words are not among the most frequently used words in the everyday language. In fact, only 2.03% of all words used in the regular communication are 10-letter words.
- The most frequently used 10-letter word is GOVERNMENT, accounting for just over 0.06% of all words used during the day.
- UNIVERSITY is the next on the list, accounting for 0.04% of all words and 1.93% of all 10-letter words used.
- The verb UNDERSTAND accounts for 1.78% of all 10-letter words used, EXPERIENCE accounts for 1.77%, and ESPECIALLY for 1.20% of all 10-letter words.
- Almost 58% of all 10-letter words are either nouns or proper nouns, 22.78% are adjectives, 11.54% are verbs, and 7.39% are adverbs.
- Frequency-wise, nouns and proper nouns account for close to 66% of all 10-letter words used, adjectives account for 16.67%, adverbs account for 8.13%, and verbs account for 7.85%.
Word | Word type | Frequency | Frequency among 10-letter words |
GOVERNMENT | Noun | 0.06% | 2.96% |
UNIVERSITY | Proper noun | 0.04% | 1.93% |
UNDERSTAND | Verb | 0.04% | 1.78% |
EXPERIENCE | Noun | 0.04% | 1.77% |
ESPECIALLY | Adverb | 0.02% | 1.20% |
RESTAURANT | Noun | 0.02% | 1.10% |
INDIVIDUAL | Noun | 0.02% | 1.09% |
POPULATION | Noun | 0.02% | 1.09% |
DIFFERENCE | Noun | 0.02% | 0.92% |
TECHNOLOGY | Noun | 0.02% | 0.92% |
PRODUCTION | Noun | 0.02% | 0.84% |
EVERYTHING | Noun | 0.02% | 0.77% |
PARTICULAR | Adjective | 0.02% | 0.75% |
MANAGEMENT | Noun | 0.01% | 0.71% |
THEMSELVES | Pronoun | 0.01% | 0.67% |