Among all 12-letter words, 1101 of them start with R, and our Word Finder extracted all these words from the dictionary and listed them on this page. We also have a list of 12-letter words ending in R and words with R.
If you need to explore more words that start with R, from 2 to 28 letters long, check out our page of all words starting with Rin the dictionary.
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If you want to use these words for Scrabble, here are a couple of interesting insights that will help you with your choice:
The average Scrabble value for 12-letter words starting with the letter R is 17.7.
The most points in Scrabble for words from this group you can score is 50 by playing the word RAZZMATAZZES.
12-letter words that start with R mostly end with the letter S, 426 of them.