The list of 12-letter words
On this page
- List of 12-letter words
- The most common letters in 12-letter words
- The most common starting letters in 12-letter words
- The most common ending letters in 12-letter words
- The most frequent 12-letter words in the English language
What are the most common letters among 12-letter words?
- Almost 80% of all 12-letter words, 78.56% to be exact, contain the letter I, and 78.38% of them contain the letter E. These are the two most common letters among 12-letter words.
- The letter S is contained in over 71.82% of 12-letter words, 65.84% of them contain the letter T, and 65.67% contain the letter N.
- There are 8 letters that appear in at least 60% of 12-letter words, making the guessing game much easier.
- Similar to other long words, the least common letters among 12-letter words are J with 1.05%, Q with 1.87%, and X with 3.16% of appearances.
Letter | 12-letter words containing | % of 12-letter words containing |
I | 16517 | 78.56% |
E | 16479 | 78.38% |
S | 15101 | 71.82% |
T | 13843 | 65.84% |
N | 13808 | 65.67% |
A | 13788 | 65.58% |
R | 13549 | 64.44% |
O | 12863 | 61.18% |
L | 10079 | 47.94% |
C | 9328 | 44.37% |
P | 6849 | 32.58% |
U | 6639 | 31.58% |
M | 6453 | 30.69% |
D | 6002 | 28.55% |
G | 5990 | 28.49% |
H | 5716 | 27.19% |
Y | 3765 | 17.91% |
B | 3416 | 16.25% |
V | 2255 | 10.73% |
F | 2140 | 10.18% |
Z | 1162 | 5.53% |
K | 1018 | 4.84% |
W | 829 | 3.94% |
X | 664 | 3.16% |
Q | 394 | 1.87% |
J | 220 | 1.05% |
What are the most frequent starting letters in 12-letter words?
- S is the most common starting letter in 12-letter words, accounting for 10.43% of all starting letters in the group.
- 10.24% of 12-letter words start with the letter P, and 10.11% start with the letter C.
- 3 out of every 10 words with 12 letters start with either S, P, or C.
- On the other side, Y is the least common starting letter among 12-letter words, accounting for only 0.04% of all starting letters.
Letter | 12-letter words starting with | % of 12-letter words starting with |
S | 2193 | 10.43% |
P | 2154 | 10.24% |
C | 2126 | 10.11% |
D | 1501 | 7.14% |
A | 1302 | 6.19% |
M | 1253 | 5.96% |
I | 1214 | 5.77% |
R | 1064 | 5.06% |
T | 990 | 4.71% |
E | 976 | 4.64% |
U | 919 | 4.37% |
H | 905 | 4.30% |
O | 761 | 3.62% |
B | 711 | 3.38% |
F | 612 | 2.91% |
N | 569 | 2.71% |
G | 507 | 2.41% |
L | 430 | 2.05% |
V | 299 | 1.42% |
W | 222 | 1.06% |
K | 100 | 0.48% |
Q | 86 | 0.41% |
J | 57 | 0.27% |
Z | 42 | 0.20% |
X | 23 | 0.11% |
Y | 9 | 0.04% |
The most common ending letters among 12-letter words
- More than 44.82% of all 12-letter words end with the letter S.
- 9.70% of words end with the letter G and 9.37% end with Y.
- These 3 letters account for more than 63% of all starting letters among 12-letter words.
- No words with 12 letters end with either Z, V, Q, or J.
Letter | 12-letter words ending with | % of 12-letter words ending with |
S | 9424 | 44.82% |
G | 2040 | 9.70% |
Y | 1971 | 9.37% |
E | 1655 | 7.87% |
D | 1458 | 6.93% |
N | 1006 | 4.78% |
T | 743 | 3.53% |
C | 715 | 3.40% |
L | 692 | 3.29% |
R | 595 | 2.83% |
M | 317 | 1.51% |
A | 195 | 0.93% |
H | 73 | 0.35% |
P | 67 | 0.32% |
I | 22 | 0.10% |
O | 14 | 0.07% |
K | 14 | 0.07% |
F | 12 | 0.06% |
X | 7 | 0.03% |
W | 3 | 0.01% |
U | 1 | 0.00% |
B | 1 | 0.00% |
V | 0 | 0.00% |
Q | 0 | 0.00% |
J | 0 | 0.00% |
Z | 0 | 0.00% |
What are the most commonly used 12-letter words in English?
- Only 0.61% of all words used during everyday communication are 12-letter words, compared to 7.50% of words that are shared in the English dictionary.
- The most commonly used 12-letter word is ORGANIZATION, accounting for 0.018% of all used words and 3.08% of all used 12-letter words.
- RELATIONSHIP is the second most frequently used 12-letter word in English, accounting for 2.92% of all 12-letter words and 0.017% of all words.
- Close to 55% of all 12-letter words are nouns and proper nouns, 24.06% are adjectives, 13.09% are adverbs, and 8.00% are verbs.
- Frequency-wise, nouns, and proper nouns account for close to 60% of all 12-letter words used, adjectives account for 21.84%, adverbs account for 13.80%, and verbs for 4.65%.
Word | Word type | Frequency | Frequency among 12-letter words |
ORGANIZATION | Noun | 0.02% | 3.08% |
RELATIONSHIP | Noun | 0.02% | 2.92% |
INTRODUCTION | Noun | 0.01% | 2.05% |
PARTICULARLY | Adverb | 0.01% | 1.99% |
PROFESSIONAL | Adjective | 0.01% | 1.81% |
PRESIDENTIAL | Adjective | 0.01% | 1.66% |
DISTRIBUTION | Noun | 0.01% | 1.47% |
CONSTRUCTION | Noun | 0.01% | 1.38% |
CONSTITUTION | Proper noun | 0.01% | 1.37% |
RESPECTIVELY | Adverb | 0.01% | 1.30% |
NEIGHBORHOOD | Noun | 0.01% | 1.19% |
INTELLIGENCE | Noun | 0.01% | 1.15% |
INTERVENTION | Noun | 0.01% | 1.11% |
CHAMPIONSHIP | Noun | 0.01% | 1.08% |
SPECIFICALLY | Adverb | 0.01% | 1.08% |