5-Letter Words Ending In OUGH

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Results: 8 words

If you want to know what are all the 5-letter words that end in OUGH, this is the place to be. We extracted all 8 words words from the dictionary that belong to this group, and hopefully, they can help you solve the Wordle daily puzzle or win in any of the numerous word games.

You should know that 5 of these words might be considered as potential Wordle solution based on the list of 2,309 words that are in play. However, if you feel like exploring more options, we recommend checking out our list of 5-letter words that contain ough in any position and all words ending in ough from the dictionary.

We also advise you to take a look at the list of previous Wordle answers to make sure that the word you want to guess next hasn’t already been one of the solutions in the past. For Scrabble and WWF players, here are a couple of statistical insights to help you narrow down your next pick:

– The most valuable Scrabble word from the group of 5-letter words ending with OUGH is HOUGH, that will get you 12 points.
– The average word from this group is worth 10 points.
– The most common starting letter in this group of words is B.

You can also have a look at our Wordle today page to get hints, clues, and find out what the answer is to today’s Wordle.

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If you’re only interested in Wordle-eligible words, we have a full Wordle words list ready for you.