There are 55 words with 5 letters that start with GI in the English language. If you’re here to solve your daily Wordle puzzle, the fastest way is with our Wordle Solver, especially if you’ve already guessed some of the letters or you can even get a Wordle hint.
You should also know that, among the words on this list, 7 of them could be accepted as Wordle solutions, according to the list of 2,309 words from the NYT. For more options, look at 5-letter words ending in GI or 5-letter words that contain GI in any position.
Can’t find the word you’re looking for? Try the Wordle Solver:
For people looking at 5-letter words starting with GI for Scrabble, we prepared a few insights into this group:
– The average word from this group is worth 8.5 in Scrabble.
– Most points you can score by playing a word from this group is 47 by playing the word CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSES.
For other GI starting words, we have a list of all words containing GI on this page.
Looking for a list of potential Wordle answers? We have a full 2,309 Wordle words list ready.