This page contains 8 words with 5 letters starting with LEM. A little tip if you’re looking for your next Wordle guess on this page – 2 of these words can be considered as Wordle solutions.
If you want more ideas for the next guess, our Wordle Solver has you covered. If you want more 5-letter {{phrase}}-words, we have a list of 5-letter words ending in LEM.
We also have a page where you can see the first letter, last letter, how many vowels there are and if there are any letters that repeat in today’s Wordle word.
Can’t find the word you’re looking for? Try the Wordle Solver:
Also, if you want to expand your vocabulary or find the next Scrabble word, look at the list of all words starting with LEM.
We also have a full list of Wordle words, all 2,309 potential Wordle answers, available for you.