This page contains a list of all 5-letter words containing EX, which amounts to 85 words in total. Among these words, 12 of them you’ll find on the list of 2,309 words widely believed to be Wordle solutions.
We’ve also created a list of all 5-letter words starting with EX and 5-letter words ending in EX, in case you’re looking for specific positions for EX. The best way to generate any list of the best guesses for daily Wordle puzzles is by using our Wordle Solver, which will quickly give suggestions on the best word to play based on your previous guesses. Or you can see today’s Wordle answer on this page.
Can’t find the word you’re looking for? Try the Wordle Solver:
Note: Don’t forget to visit our past Wordle answers page to make sure that the word you’ll play next hasn’t already been a Wordle solution before.
For people who visit this page to get some Scrabble ideas, we prepared a few insights in to 5-letter words with EX:
– You can score 21 points by playing the word ZEXES, which is the most valuable Scrabble word from this list.
– The average Scrabble value for words from this group is 13.8.
– Most words start with the letter E, and the most common ending letter is S.
For a list of all potential Wordle answers, check out our full Wordle words list.