When it comes to 9-letter words starting with the letter O, there are 1441 words from this group in the dictionary. While these words have high Scrabble value, it’s not easy to play a 9-letter word. This is why it’s also useful to know how many words you can make out of 9-letter words from this list, and our Unscrambling Tool will do all the work for you.
You can also take a look at our lists of 9-letter words ending in O or 9-letter words with O in any position.
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A few more things to know if you want to use the words from this list for Scrabble:
– The average word from this group is worth 14.2 points in Scrabble.
– Most points you can score by playing the word OXAZEPAMS, which will get you 29 points.
– 589 words from this list end with the letter S, making it the most common ending letter among 9-letter words starting with O.
If you want to explore more O-starting words, check out the list of words starting with O from the dictionary.