Out of 42,972 words with 9 letters, there are 23642 that contain the letter A, and you’ll find them listed on this page. If you’re interested in 9-letter words ending in A or 9-letter words with A, we have those lists ready for you.
Most of the time, these words are used to make shorter words for Scrabble and other word games, considering that the shorter words yield more points per letter than the longer words. Word Unscrambler can help you generate a list of all the words you can make from every word on this list in less than a second.
Modify Results
If you want to use some of the words from this list for Scrabble, you should keep in mind that:
– Most words from this list start with the letter {{most_common_starting}}, {{appearances1}} of them.
– {{appearances2}} of the words from this page end with the letter {{most_common_ending}}, making it the most common ending letter.
– The average word from this list is worth {{average_points}} points in Scrabble.
– The most valuable word for Scrabble among 9-letter words containing {{phrase}} is CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSES, worth 47.
We also have a list of all words with A from the dictionary if you’re interested in expanding your vocabulary.