Taylor Jenkins Reid Statistics

Taylor Jenkins Reid sales statistics

  • The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo has sold over 500,000 copies in 2022 despite being published in 2017
  • There are over 5 million Taylor Jenkins Reid books in print
  • Taylor Jenkins Reid has written 4 New York Times bestselling novels:
    • Carrie Soto Is Back
    • Malibu Rising
    • Daisy Jones and the Six
    • The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
  • Tags surrounding Taylor Jenkins Reid and her novels have over half a billion views on TikTok
    • #thesevenhusbandsofevelynhugo has over 241 million views
    • #tjr and #taylorjenkinsreid have a combined 250 million views
    • #daisyjonesandthesix has 90 million views
  • Reid’s novels have been published in 36 languages 
  • 4 of Reid’s novels have been or are currently being adapted for film or TV
    • Daisy Jones and The Six will be a series on Amazon
    • One True Loves will be a movie
    • The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo has been adapted as a movie for Netflix
    • Malibu Rising will become a television series on Hulu

Taylor Jenkins Reid Books in order

#TitlePublish DatePage CountAudiobook Length
1Forever, InterruptedJuly 9, 2013354
2After I DoJuly 1, 2014352
3Maybe in Another LifeJuly 7, 20153429 hrs and 9 mins
4One True LovesJune 7, 20163528 hrs and 5 mins
5The Seven Husbands of Evelyn HugoJune 13, 201738912 hrs and 10 mins
6Daisy Jones & The SixMarch 5, 20193559 hrs and 3 mins
7Malibu RisingMay 27, 202135511 hrs and 6 mins
8Carrie Soto is BackAugust 30, 202238410 hrs and 30 mins

Taylor Jenkins Reid statistics

  • Taylor Jenkins read was born in Maryland in 1983
  • She graduated from college in Boston with a degree in Media Studies
  • Reid moved to LA and worked as a casting assistant in the movie industry
  • This is where she met her husband, Alex, who is also in the industry
  • The couple has a daughter together and live in LA

What is Taylor Jenkins Reid’s writing process?

  • Reid has a defined process when working on her books
  • Reid’s process takes 4 – 6 weeks to complete the first draft
  • Reid writes from around 8am to around 6pm with a break for lunch
  • She begins by knowing how the book will begin and how the book will end
  • However, she does not know the middle and how she will get from beginning to end
  • Reid sets herself a words-per-day target that changes based on time constraints
  • Reid also sets herself deadlines on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th drafts and is committed to sticking to them despite very little outside accountability on these smaller deadlines