With a grand total of 5,641 4-letter words across the range of dictionaries across our site, there are plenty of playable 4-letter words in both Scrabble and Words With Friends. It’s only a matter of finding them or knowing them.
Your best chance of playing a 4-letter word in your favorite game is if you have an E or an S at the end of it.
There are a total of 699 4-letter words that end with E. That’s 535 that are playable in Scrabble if you’re playing with the US dictionary, 698 if you’re playing with the UK dictionary or 519 if you are playing Words With Friends.
There is only 1 4-letter word that ends with Q and that is CINQ. Although you may be right in thinking that CINQ is the French word for five, it also relates to the side of a die (or dice) that contains 5. The term is not heavily used but is still a valid word in the Scrabble dictionary in both the US and in the UK. However, this word cannot be played in Words With Friends.