There are 5,641 words with 4-letters in our range of dictionaries on the WordsRated website.
All but 5 letters are at the beginning of at least 100 4 letter words. It probably won’t surprise you that only 58 4 letter words begin with Z, 20 begin with Q and only 2 begin with X. However, you may be surprised to find 2 vowels in the mix as there are only 71 4 letter words that begin with I and 65 that begin with U.
At the other end of the scale, the letter S is way out in front. There are 495 4-letter words that start with the letter S including SITE, SOME, SUCH, SAID, SEND and SHOW. Although S is a low scoring letter, it is possible to score anywhere from 4 to 16 points with 4-letter words starting with S in Scrabble. Although there are 495 of these words in total in the dictionary, only 353 of these words can be found in Words With Friends – so make sure to select the right dictionary when you are searching for your words.
In the following table, you can check out multi-letter starting combos for 4-letter words: