With 42,972 9-letter words across all of the dictionaries on WordsRated, it looks like it might be easier to score a 9-letter word on Scrabble than we first thought.
Of the 42,972 9-letter words in our dictionaries, over 16 thousand of them end in S. So it seems like a huge secret to getting a 9-letter word is to find an 8-letter word and stick an S on the end of it (e.g. COMPUTERS, DOCUMENTS, RESOURCES).
Another good thing is to add “-ing” to words. There are 3,454 9-letter words that end with G. Here you have words like FOLLOWING, INCLUDING, SOMETHING or MARKETING amongst others.
There are also some letters to avoid. There are no 9-letter words in our dictionaries that end with J or Q.
You can find links to our lists of 9-letter words ending with each letter in the table below along with the number of words in each dictionary.