Words Starting With These Letters

It’s not a rare occurrence in word games that a player faces the challenge of forming a word based on the starting letter that is already placed on the board. While this might seem like limiting players’ options, plenty of words can still be played, and this page contains a list of all starting combinations for Scrabble, Words With Friends, and many other word games.

You can explore word lists based on the starting letter in the following tables:

1-letter starting combos

2-letter starting combos

3-letter starting combos

4-letter starting combos

5-letter starting combos

6-letter starting combos and other

Words starting with and ending in these letters

Below is the list of all words start start and end in selected letters:

The important thing to consider when choosing the next word to play based on its starting letter is whether or not that word can be expanded by adding prefixes or suffixes to one of its ends. The worst thing you can do is give your opponent easy points by simply adding a few letters at the beginning or the end of the word you just played.

In some word games, players will know the position of certain letters in the word along with the starting combination. In these cases, our WordFinder has the ability to filter the list of all words from the dictionary based on this criteria by including/excluding certain letters from the search.

What are the most common starting letters in English words?

Over 32,000 words in English start with the letter S, making it the most common starting letter in the dictionary. This accounts for 11,35% of all words. Words beginning with with C account for 8.99% of all words, and words starting with P account for 8.76%.

X is the least common starting letter in English – there are only 312 words that start with X, accounting for 0.11% of all words.

Words that start withNumber of wordsShare
Words that start with S32,54111.35%
Words that start with C25,7778.99%
Words that start with P25,1158.76%
Words that start with D17,0245.94%
Words that start with A16,6095.80%
Words that start with M16,3385.70%
Words that start with B15,4635.40%
Words that start with R15,3655.36%
Words that start with T14,8475.18%
Words that start with E11,6424.06%
Words that start with H10,8103.77%
Words that start with F10,7563.75%
Words that start with I10,2463.58%
Words that start with U9,9233.46%
Words that start with G9,4713.30%
Words that start with O9,2073.21%
Words that start with L8,1532.84%
Words that start with N6,9862.44%
Words that start with W5,9762.09%
Words that start with V4,6381.62%
Words that start with K3,4211.19%
Words that start with J2,3290.81%
Words that start with Q1,4300.50%
Words that start with Z1,1790.41%
Words that start with Y1,0410.36%
Words that start with X3120.11%

Words starting with Q are the most valuable words in Scrabble – the average Q-starting word is worth 21.72 points in Scrabble, which amounts to 2.38 points per letter. Words starting with X and Z are also worth more than 20 points on average, with Z-starting words having the biggest per-letter value (2.72 points).

On the other side, words beginning with L are worth 12.85 points on average, the least among this group. G-starting words are followed with 13.21 points on average. Words that start with I are over 10 letters long on average, the only group that has an average length of over 10 letters.

Words that start withAverage lengthAverage pointsValue per letter
Words that start with Q9.1421.722.38
Words that start with X9.4621.712.29
Words that start with Z7.9221.502.72
Words that start with J7.7518.752.42
Words that start with H9.3717.621.88
Words that start with P9.6816.161.67
Words that start with C9.5316.061.69
Words that start with E9.6015.861.65
Words that start with K7.6315.702.06
Words that start with I10.7315.581.45
Words that start with M9.3915.561.66
Words that start with W8.1915.481.89
Words that start with F8.7015.271.75
Words that start with O9.6415.191.58
Words that start with D9.5415.031.58
Words that start with V8.9114.921.67
Words that start with U9.9614.891.49
Words that start with B8.5014.791.74
Words that start with A9.3914.351.53
Words that start with S9.0914.301.57
Words that start with N9.6914.101.46
Words that start with R9.2313.671.48
Words that start with T8.9613.461.50
Words that start with Y6.6813.291.99
Words that start with G8.5413.211.55
Words that start with L8.4812.851.51

Explore more words from the dictionary

Find words that start with these letters (e.g. T ⇒ Train, TH ⇒ THought)
Find words that end with these letters (e.g. T ⇒ carT, TH ⇒ paTH)
Find words that contain letters in this order (e.g. TH ⇒ THought, paTH, eTHos)
Only shows words of a specific length (e.g. 5 ⇒ 5 letter words, 3 ⇒ 3 letter words)