On this page we have managed to pull together a list of 4-letter words that contain CH using the WordsRated word finder.
This list is made up of 82 words. In a game of Scrabble, the average score for playing a word on this list is 10.3 points. However, if you were to play CHEZ, then you would score a total of 18 points – the most available from any word on this list.
In the case that you are using this list to play Scrabble, it could be worthwhile to look at some of the lists we have compiled that are related to 4-letter words with CH.
If you have space for a 4-letter word, then you can view our lists of 4-letter words starting with CH and 4-letter words ending in CH. However, if you are more interested in CH: we also have a list of all words with CH.