6-Letter Words

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6 letter words

There are 23,033 words with 6 letters in English, and this page will list all of them. 6-letter words are widely used in word games, most of all Scrabble, and our WordFinder can help you get the most out of them.

List of 6-letter words

In the following sections, we look into a detailed analysis of the most common words with 6-letters and the most common letters in 6-letter words. We also look into the most likely starting and ending letters in 6-letter words and which 2-letter and 3-letter combinations appear the most in words with 6 letters.

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Most common letters in 6-letter words

  • The letter E is the most common letter in 6-letter words. In total, 59.51% of 6-letter words contain at least one letter E. Also, this letter accounts for 12.17% of all letters in 6-letter words.
  • 46.42% of all 6-letter words contain the letter S, which makes it the second most common letter in 6-letter words. Almost one in every 10 letters in these words is the letter S (9.25%).
  • Letters E, S, A, R, I, O, and N account for over 55% of all letters in 6-letter words.
  • On the other hand, the letter Q appears in only 1.04% of all 6-letter words, the least among all letters. This letter also accounts for less than 0.18% of all letters in 6-letter words.
  • 2.02% of 6-letter words contain the letter X, 2.20% contain the letter J, and 3.12% contain Z. These are the least common letters in 6-letter words.
Letter 6-letter words containing Letter frequency in 6-letter words
E 59.51% 12.17%
S 46.42% 9.25%
A 43.69% 8.48%
R 38.27% 7.01%
I 36.14% 6.56%
O 32.09% 6.19%
N 29.42% 5.37%
L 28.38% 5.24%
T 28.16% 5.25%
D 23.37% 4.34%
U 22.42% 3.94%
C 18.16% 3.26%
M 16.58% 3.00%
P 16.01% 2.94%
G 15.39% 2.85%
H 14.98% 2.58%
B 13.03% 2.41%
Y 12.86% 2.18%
K 9.84% 1.73%
F 7.92% 1.50%
W 7.57% 1.28%
V 5.68% 0.98%
Z 3.12% 0.61%
J 2.20% 0.37%
X 2.02% 0.34%
Q 1.04% 0.18%
  • When it comes to 2-letter combinations, most 6-letter words contain ER, 2,714 of them. This accounts for 11.78% of all 6-letter words.
  • 10.35% of all 6-letter words contain ED, the second most common 2-letter combination within 6-letter words.
  • 9.38% of 6-letter words contain 9.38%, making it the third most common 2-letter combination in this group.
  • In total, there are 567 different 2-letter combinations appearing in 6-letter words, 524 of whom appear multiple times.
  • Within double letters appearing in 6-letter words, the most common double-letter combination is EE, appearing in 604 words with 6 letters.
  • It is followed by OO with 602 appearances in 6-letter words, and LL with 505 appearances.
2-letter combo 6-letter words containing Frequency in 6-letter words
ER 2,714 2,733
ED 2,384 2,409
ES 2,161 2,198
IN 1,888 1,908
LE 1,595 1,600
RE 1,471 1,495
AR 1,386 1,395
TE 1,315 1,328
AN 1,306 1,323
EN 1,138 1,142
AL 1,130 1,142
AS 1,126 1,134
SE 1,101 1,116
RA 1,088 1,090
  • ING is the most frequent 3-letter combination appearing in words with 6 letters, with 655 appearances. 2.84% of all 6-letter words contain ING.
  • The second most common 3-letter group is ERS, appearing in 401 words with 6 letters.
  • It is followed by TER, which appears in 328 words, and TED, which appears in 276 words with 6 letters.
  • There are 5,705 different 3-letter combinations in words with 6 letters, 4,544 of which appear in more than one word.
3-letter combo 6-letter words containing 6-letter words containing %
ING 655 2.84%
ERS 401 1.74%
TER 328 1.42%
TED 276 1.20%
SES 239 1.04%
LED 215 0.93%
ATE 213 0.92%
KED 213 0.92%
INE 212 0.92%
IER 202 0.88%

Most common starting letters in 6-letter words

Letter Words starting with Words ending with Words starting with Words ending with
S 2,779 6,651 12.07% 28.88%
C 1,813 299 7.87% 1.30%
B 1,645 58 7.14% 0.25%
P 1,614 185 7.01% 0.80%
T 1,376 1,271 5.97% 5.52%
R 1,281 2,050 5.56% 8.90%
M 1,238 350 5.37% 1.52%
A 1,230 780 5.34% 3.39%
D 1,187 2,560 5.15% 11.11%
G 1,038 693 4.51% 3.01%
F 997 58 4.33% 0.25%
L 924 815 4.01% 3.54%
H 826 485 3.59% 2.11%
E 688 2,713 2.99% 11.78%
W 650 116 2.82% 0.50%
U 577 73 2.51% 0.32%
K 532 196 2.31% 0.85%
O 500 333 2.17% 1.45%
N 492 1,226 2.14% 5.32%
V 435 4 1.89% 0.02%
I 389 294 1.69% 1.28%
J 334 3 1.45% 0.01%
Y 186 1,695 0.81% 7.36%
Z 151 25 0.66% 0.11%
Q 132 1 0.57% 0.00%
X 19 99 0.08% 0.43%

Most common ending letters in 6-letter words

  • 28.88% of words with 6 letters end with the letter S, making it the most common ending letter in 6-letter words.
  • 11.78% of all 6-letter words end with the letter E, 11.11% end with D, and 8.90% end with R.
  • These 3 letters account for over 51% of all ending letters in 6-letter words.
  • Only 1 word with 6 letters ends with the letter Q, making it the least common ending letter in 6-letter words.
  • 3 words end with the letter J, 4 words end with the letter V, and 25 words end with Z.
Letter 6-letter words ending with 6-letter words ending with %
S 6,651 28.88%
E 2,713 11.78%
D 2,560 11.11%
R 2,050 8.90%
Y 1,695 7.36%
T 1,271 5.52%
N 1,226 5.32%
L 815 3.54%
A 780 3.39%
G 693 3.01%
H 485 2.11%
M 350 1.52%
O 333 1.45%
C 299 1.30%
I 294 1.28%
K 196 0.85%
P 185 0.80%
W 116 0.50%
X 99 0.43%
U 73 0.32%
B 58 0.25%
F 58 0.25%
Z 25 0.11%
V 4 0.02%
J 3 0.01%
Q 1 0.00%

What are the most valuable 6-letter words for the game of Scrabble?

  • The average 6-letter word is worth just over 10 points in Scrabble. The most valuable word(s) from this group is QUAZZY, which is worth 36 points.
  • There are 21 words with 6 letters that will bring you more than 30 points in Scrabble.
  • An additional 298 words with 6 letters are worth more than 20 Scrabble points.
  • More than 10,000 6-letter words are worth less than 10 points in Scrabble.
Scrabble points Number of 6-letter words
6 1547
7 1572
8 3521
9 3561
10 3208
11 2568
12 2078
13 1517
14 928
15 889
16 507
17 421
18 259
19 137
20 92
21 43
22 31
23 15
24 44
25 12
26 31
27 22
28 6
29 2
30 3
31 4
32 1
33 4
34 1
35 7
36 1

Most common 6-letter words

  • The most common 6-letter word is the word PEOPLE, accounting for 0.39% of all words used in the English language. This means that around 4 in every 1,000 words used in the everyday language is the word PEOPLE.
  • It is followed by SHOULD and BEFORE (0.16%), CHANGE (0.15%), and MEMBER with 0.12%.
  • In total, 6-letter words account for 8.98% of all words used in the everyday language.
  •  Regarding word types, 43.35% of words with 6 letters are nouns and account for 53.01% of 6-letter words used in the everyday language.
  • An additional 22.01% of words are proper nouns, accounting for an additional 5.57% of 6-letter words used.
  • 17.06% of words with 6 letters are verbs, and 12.52% are adjectives.
Word Word type Frequency Frequency (appearances in 1,000 words)
PEOPLE Noun 0.39% 3.9
SHOULD Auxiliary verb 0.16% 1.6
BEFORE Subordinating conjunction 0.16% 1.6
CHANGE Noun 0.15% 1.5
MEMBER Noun 0.12% 1.2
SECOND Adjective 0.12% 1.2
PUBLIC Adjective 0.12% 1.2
BECOME Verb 0.12% 1.2
FAMILY Noun 0.10% 1
LITTLE Adjective 0.10% 1


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