3333 words with 10 letters contain the letter V, and you’ll find all of them on this page.You can see the words starting with V, we have a page with just that list, or you can use our WordFinder to filter out the words based on your desired criteria.
If you’re playing Scrabble, you should know that the most points you can score playing a 10-letter word containing V is 39 by playing word VAJAZZLING. The average word from this group is worth 16.6 points in Scrabble.
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Another useful insight into this list that can help you narrow down the choice of the next word to guess or play is what the most common starting and ending letter of this group is. Most of the 10-letter words with V start with the letter V, 596 of them.
The most common ending letter among these words is S, as 1234 words end with this letter.
You can also take a look at the list of all words containing V from the dictionary.