Student Loan Debt Statistics By Race

In the USA there are often discrepancies in how different the same experience impacts races and ethnicities – getting through college is no different.

The statistics vary wildly for different groups in terms of the amount of money borrowed and the likelihood of the debt to grow or be paid off quickly. 

Throughout this report, the terms used may change slightly depending on the source of the data and the term they use in the report. At times, this means that like-for-like comparisons cannot be made.

Student loan debt by race

  • Black students owe more on average than any other racial or ethnic group tracked by the US Federal Reserve
  • Hispanic students owe significantly less on average with the average Black student owing 31.2% more than the average Latino student
  • It has been speculated that this in part may be because undocumented students are not eligible for federal student loans but can still attend college
  • 75% of undocumented people in the US were born in South or Central America.
  • This leads to many Hispanic or Latino students having to find funding to attend college through other means 
RaceAmount owed

Student loan debt by race over time

  • In 1989, Black students had less student loan debt than any other racial group
  • 30 years on, this trend has reversed to the point where Black students hold more debt than any other group on average
  • The “other” group (which includes Indian Americans, Native Alaskans, and Asian students amongst others) and White students held a similar amount of student loan debt in 1989 and still borrow a similar amount today
  • In 1989, Hispanic students held 59.6% of the student loan debt that White students held
  • By 2019, this had risen to 76.9% but they still hold $9,280 less student loan debt White students do throughout college
  • The amount of student loan debt the average black student holds now is 7.2 times the amount they held in 1989
  • For White and the Other group of students, the debt has tripled (3.3x and 3.2x)
  • Hispanic students have 4.2 times the debt they did in 1989

Amount borrowed by race and gender

Note: The amount borrowed is not equivalent to the student loan debt – the amount of debt depends on a number of factors such as interest, wages of graduates, and ability to repay the loan

  • Black men borrow 5.0% more than Black women to get through college
  • White men also borrow 4.7% more than White women to get through college
  • On the other hand, Hispanic women and Asian women borrow 1.6% and 1.0% more than their male counterparts on average

What percentage of graduates receive federal student loans by race

  • Black students take out student loans at a higher level than any other racial or ethnic group
  • Asian students are the least likely to take out a student loan
Native Americans62.1%
Mixed Race55.1%
Pacific Islander41.3%

Student loan debt by race and type of college

Percent of graduates with debt by race and institution type

  • Regardless of the institution attended, Black students are more likely to have student loan debt than students of any other racial or ethnic group
  • At public 2-year college, a Black student is 22% more likely to have student loan debt than a White student is
  • At private, non-profit, four-year colleges – a black student is a third (32%) more likely to have student loan debt than a white student.
  • Compared to Asian students, a Black student attending a two-year public college is 67% more likely to have student loan debt
  • Asian students are the least likely to have student loan debt regardless of the type of college they attend
InstitutionBlack WhiteHispanicAsianNative 
Public two-year58%45%26%19%
Public four-year82%68%61%42%76%
Private non-profit two-year90%85%84%82%87%
Private non-profit four-year87%59%72%43%68%

Student loan default rates by race & institution

  • Regardless of the type of institution attended, Black students default on their student loans at a higher rate than any other racial or ethnic group
  • In general, Black students are 44% more likely to default on their student loans than the average student
InstitutionAll borrowersWhiteBlackHispanic
All institutions18%13%32%20%
Public two-year11%7%27%11%
Public four-year11%7%26%11%
Private non-profit two-year19%16%31%17%
Private non-profit four-year34%33%42%31%
  • At public institutions, Black students are 59% and 58% more likely to default than the average student at 2-year and 4-year colleges respectively

Ability to repay student loans by race

  • Asian students are most likely to be free of their student loan debts by the age of 40
  • Black students are least likely to be free of their student loan debts by the age of 40
  • Black and Hispanic students are almost twice as likely to be behind on their student loan repayments than White students
  • Black students are almost 3 times more likely to default on their student loans than White students
RaceDebt-free by 40Behind on student loansDefault rate within 12 years of first installment