There are exactly 447 words with 10 letters that start with the letter F. What makes these words super valuable for Scrabble is their worth – the average word from this list will get you 17 points, while the most points you can get is 47 by playing CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSES.
Our Word Unscrambler is the perfect tool for getting a list of all shorter words you can create from these 10 letters. You might also want to look at 10-letter words ending in F or 10-letter containing F in any position. If your word starts with F but has a different length, we also have a list of all words starting with F in the dictionary.
Word Finder
If you value statistics and probability, here’s a little tip that will help you filter out this list based on the most probable word to play: most 10-letter words starting with F end with the letter 664, of the to be precise.