We extracted all 2323 words with 12 letters from the dictionary that contain the letter V, and you can find them on this page. Use our Word Unscrambler to see how many words you can make from each word of the list.
Some of these words starting with V, and we have that list ready for you. If you want to learn more words with V in them, we generated a list of all words, from 2 to 28 letters, that contain this letter in any position.
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On average, you will score 19.5 points in Scrabble by playing a word from this group. The most valuable 12-letter word containing V in Scrabble is OBJECTIVIZED, worth 36 points.
The most common starting letter among these words is O, as 370 words from this list start with it. When it comes to the most common ending letter, 868 of the 12-letter words with V end with the letter S.