This page contains every 12-letter word containing the letter D from the dictionary. If you want to look at 12-letter words starting with D or 12-letter words ending in D, feel free to visit respective pages.
Considering their length, 12-letter words can be broken down into shorter words, which you can use for various word games. For any word on this list, you can generate a list of all words you can make from it using our Word Unscrambler.
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If you’re a Scrabble player and want to use the words from this list for that purpose, here are a few statistical insights into 12-letter words containing D:
– The most valuable word from this list for Scrabble is HYDROXYZINES, worth 38 points.
– The average word from this list is worth 19.1 points in Scrabble.
– Most often, 12-letter words containing D start with the letter D – 1523 of them.
– 2274 of these words end with the letter S, making it the most common ending letter of this group.
Finally, if you want to explore other words with D, you can look at our list of all words with D, from 2 to 28 letters long.