On this page, you will find 1 word with 9 letters from the dictionary that end in V. Using our Word Unscrambler, you can unscramble these words into shorter ones to get more value per letter for word games.
You should also check out our list of 9-letter words starting with V as well as 9-letter words with V in any position. If you specifically look for V as your ending phrase but want to go beyond 9-letter words, we have a list of all words ending in V ready.
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If you search for the perfect Scrabble word among 9-letter words ending in V, here are a couple of insights for you to consider:
– LEITMOTIV is the highest-scoring Scrabble word in this group, worth 14 points.
– The average value in Scrabble for word(s) in this group is 14.
– The only on this list start with the letter L, making it the most common starting letter in the group.