This page contains all 9-letter words starting with LA. In total, there are 361 of these words, very useful for Scrabble, Wordscapes, and other word games. We also list all words starting with LA in case you want to explore more options.
9-letter words can be used as a starting point in forming new, shorter words. The reason why people value shorter words is their per-letter value, which is much higher compared to long words. If you want to know how many words you can create from any words in this group, our Unscrambling tool is the fastest way to do it.
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For Scrabble players it might be interesting to point out that the average word from this list is worth 13.6 points. The most valuable word is LAZZARONE, which will earn you 27 points.
Also, the most common ending letter from this group is S, as 150 words words with 9 letters starting with LA, end with this letter.