9-Letter Words

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On this page, you can find a complete list of all 42,933 words with 9 letters in the English language. If you want to filter out this huge group of words, the best way to do it is with our WordFinder tool, whose advanced features can find all unscrambled combinations of letters.

List of all 9-letter words in the English language

9-letter words are the most numerous group of words in the English language, accounting for more than 15.40% of all words in the dictionary. The average 9-letter word is worth 14.76 points in Scrabble, and considering their numerosity, it might be a good idea to get familiar with them as much as possible.

In the following sections, you can find the most common letters in 9-letter words and the most common starting and ending letters in this group. We also look at the most frequently used 9-letter words in the English language.

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What are the most frequent letters in 9-letter words?

Letter 9-letter words containing % of 9-letter words containing
E 30898 71.97%
S 27258 63.49%
I 26391 61.47%
A 23619 55.01%
R 23134 53.88%
N 20781 48.40%
T 20177 47.00%
O 19529 45.49%
L 17211 40.09%
C 13471 31.38%
D 12606 29.36%
U 11638 27.11%
G 10148 23.64%
P 9966 23.21%
M 9862 22.97%
H 8980 20.92%
B 7033 16.38%
Y 5340 12.44%
F 4468 10.41%
K 3932 9.16%
V 3476 8.10%
W 3392 7.90%
Z 1505 3.51%
X 1094 2.55%
Q 710 1.65%
J 631 1.47%

What are the most frequent starting letters in 9-letter words?

  • 12.10% of 9-letter words start with the letter S, the most common starting letter in the group.
  • The letter C is the starting letter for 9.16% of 9-letter words, and the letter P starts for 8.49% of words with 9 letters. 
  • These three letters account for more than 30% of all starting letters in this group of words.
  • 53% of the time when the letter J is contained in a 9-letter word, it appears as the starting letter. This is the case for the letter F in 39.17% of its appearances, and the letter P, which is a starting letter in 36.57% of its appearances in 9-letter words.
Letter 9-letter words starting with % of 9-letter words starting with
S 5197 12.10%
C 3931 9.16%
P 3645 8.49%
A 2555 5.95%
B 2524 5.88%
D 2437 5.68%
M 2362 5.50%
R 2359 5.49%
T 2137 4.98%
E 1885 4.39%
F 1750 4.08%
H 1509 3.51%
U 1489 3.47%
O 1441 3.36%
G 1374 3.20%
I 1267 2.95%
L 1185 2.76%
W 941 2.19%
N 928 2.16%
V 738 1.72%
K 429 1.00%
J 338 0.79%
Q 215 0.50%
Z 162 0.38%
Y 90 0.21%
X 45 0.10%

What are the most common ending letters in 9-letter words?

  • 38.53% of 9-letter words end with the letter S. In 60.68% of occurrences of the letter S in 9-letter words, it appears as the ending letter.
  • 11.84% of 9-letter words end with the letter E, 10.14% end with D, 8.04% end with G and 5.59% of words with 9 letters end with the letter T.
  • These five letters account for more than 74% of all ending letters in 9-letter words.
  • On the other hand, there are no 9-letter words that end in either J or Q.
Letter 9-letter words ending with % of 9-letter words ending with
S 16540 38.53%
E 5085 11.84%
D 4352 10.14%
G 3452 8.04%
T 2399 5.59%
Y 2320 5.40%
R 2309 5.38%
N 1488 3.47%
L 1113 2.59%
C 898 2.09%
M 794 1.85%
A 660 1.54%
H 476 1.11%
K 386 0.90%
O 158 0.37%
I 151 0.35%
P 150 0.35%
F 60 0.14%
W 45 0.10%
X 44 0.10%
B 28 0.07%
U 15 0.03%
Z 9 0.02%
V 1 0.00%
J 0 0.00%
Q 0 0.00%

What are the most commonly used 9-letter words in the English language?

Even though they are the most numerous group of letters in English, 9-letter words account for only 2.88% of all words used during daily communication.

  • The most common word among 9-letter words is DIFFERENT, accounting for 0.06% of all words used during the day, and 2.24% of all 9-letter words used.
  • Another adjective, IMPORTANT, is the second most commonly used 9-letter word, accounting for 0.05% of all words used and 1.69% of all 9-letter words used.
  • 63% of all 9-letter words are either nouns or proper nouns, 19.34% are adjectives, 14.08% are verbs, and 4.90% are adverbs.
  • In terms of frequency of use, 58.71% of 9-letter words used during the day are nouns and proper nouns, 20.49% are adjectives, 13.53% are verbs, and 7.02% are adverbs.
Word Word type Frequency Frequency among 9-letter words
DIFFERENT Adjective 0.06% 2.24%
IMPORTANT Adjective 0.05% 1.69%
PRESIDENT Proper noun 0.04% 1.50%
SOMETHING Noun 0.04% 1.35%
INTERVIEW Noun 0.04% 1.26%
COMMUNITY Noun 0.03% 1.21%
POLITICAL Adjective 0.03% 1.06%
AVAILABLE Adjective 0.03% 1.01%
CONDITION Noun 0.03% 0.98%
CANDIDATE Noun 0.03% 0.92%
THEREFORE Adverb 0.02% 0.85%
REPRESENT Verb 0.02% 0.78%
INFLUENCE Noun 0.02% 0.75%
DETERMINE Verb 0.02% 0.74%
CHALLENGE Noun 0.02% 0.69%


Find words that start with these letters (e.g. T ⇒ Train, TH ⇒ THought)
Find words that end with these letters (e.g. T ⇒ carT, TH ⇒ paTH)
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