There are 3379 words with 9 letters in the dictionary that end in ING, and you will find them all here. We extracted these words in just a few seconds using our WordFinder, which you can also use to filter out this list.
These words can make shorter words with higher per-letter values. To do that, use our Word Unscrambler and get a list of all words you can form from any word on this list. If you want more ING words, we have a list of words ending in ING.
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For Scrabble players, we prepared a few useful statistical insights into 9-letter words ending in ING:
– You can score 34 points by playing the word HUZZAHING, which is the highest-scoring Scrabble word from this list.
– On average, you will score 14.7 points by playing 9-letter words that end in ING.
– The most common starting letter for the words from this group is S, which starts 419 words on the list.