Of the over 37,000 words with 10 letters, 776 contain the phrase OUS. If you’re playing Scrabble, you will find all 776 words from this group here. You’ll also learn that the average word from this list is worth 16.25 points in Scrabble, while the most points you can get is 28 by playing HOMOZYGOUS or HEMIZIGOUS.
Interestingly, none of these 37,000 words start or end with OUS. You can also use our WordFinder to filter that list for you, whether it’s based on length or other criteria.
Around 10% of 10-letter words containing OUS start with the letter P, making it the most common starting letter in this group. The most common ending letter among these words is S, and by a wide margin, ending 615 out of 776 words from the group.