Of 21,577 words with 12 letters, 2,068 of them end with ING. With the help of our WordFinder, we managed to extract all of them from the dictionary and list them on this page. If you want to know how many words you can create out of words from this list, just place them into the Unscrambler tool and quickly get useful words for Scrabble and other word games.
We’ve also created a list of all the words ending in ING, regardless of the length. It’s available on this page.
The average 12-letter word ending in ING is worth 16.19 points in Scrabble, while the most valuable word is SCHEMOZZLING, worth 38 points.
It’s also worth mentioning that most of the words from this list, 202 of them, start with the letter D, which is the most common starting letter among these words.