On this page, you can find a list of all 5,638 words with 4 letters. If you want to narrow this list down and get closer to solving one of many word puzzles, use our WordsFinder tool which will generate a list of all words fitting into your criteria.
List of all 4-letter words in the English language
There are 5,638 words with 4 letters in English, accounting for 2% of all words in the dictionary. However, even though small in numbers, 4-letter words account for over 16% of all words used in everyday communication.
We report a detailed analysis of the most common letters in 4-letter words, including starting and ending letters, and the most valuable 4-letter words for various word games like Words With Friends, Word of Wonders, Word Cookies, 4 Pics 1 Word, Scrabble, and many others.
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- List of all 4-letter words in the English language
- Most common letters in 4-letter words
- Most common starting letters in 4-letter words
- Most common ending letters in 4-letter words
- Most frequently used 4-letter words in English
What are the most common letters in 4-letter words?
- The letter A appears in 1,992 words with 4 letters, meaning that over 35% of all 4-letter words contain the letter A.
- 33.42% of all 4-letter words (2,128) contain at least one letter E, making it the second most common letter in the group.
- The letter S appears in 1,917 (31.57%) 4-letter words, O appears in 1,756 (27.81%), and 1,314 (22.65%) 4-letter words contain the letter I.
- On the other hand, only 25 words with 4-letters contain the letter Q, the least common letter in 4-letter words.
- In terms of frequency, the letter A is also the most frequent letter in 4-letter words, accounting for 9.52% of all letters.
- Close to 37% of all letters in 4-letter words are vowels.
Letter | 4-letter words containing | Frequency in 4-letter words | 4-letter words containing % | Frequency in 4-letter words % |
A | 1,992 | 2,148 | 35.33% | 9.52% |
E | 1,884 | 2,128 | 33.42% | 9.44% |
S | 1,780 | 1,917 | 31.57% | 8.50% |
O | 1,568 | 1,756 | 27.81% | 7.79% |
I | 1,277 | 1,314 | 22.65% | 5.83% |
R | 1,182 | 1,220 | 20.96% | 5.41% |
L | 1,063 | 1,146 | 18.85% | 5.08% |
T | 1,060 | 1,134 | 18.80% | 5.03% |
N | 959 | 994 | 17.01% | 4.41% |
U | 925 | 957 | 16.41% | 4.24% |
D | 820 | 850 | 14.54% | 3.77% |
P | 735 | 771 | 13.04% | 3.42% |
M | 715 | 741 | 12.68% | 3.29% |
K | 659 | 679 | 11.69% | 3.01% |
H | 632 | 652 | 11.21% | 2.89% |
Y | 617 | 626 | 10.94% | 2.78% |
G | 604 | 637 | 10.71% | 2.82% |
C | 601 | 615 | 10.66% | 2.73% |
B | 575 | 607 | 10.20% | 2.69% |
W | 481 | 489 | 8.53% | 2.17% |
F | 448 | 501 | 7.95% | 2.22% |
V | 234 | 238 | 4.15% | 1.06% |
Z | 150 | 173 | 2.66% | 0.77% |
J | 145 | 147 | 2.57% | 0.65% |
X | 87 | 87 | 1.54% | 0.39% |
Q | 25 | 25 | 0.44% | 0.11% |
What are the most common starting letters in 4-letter words?
- 495 words with 4-letter start with the letter S, which is around 8.78% of all 4-letter words. This makes S the most common starting letter in this group of words.
- The letter T is a starting letter in 359 (6.38%) of 4-letter words, 354 (6.28%) of them start with the letter B, 350 (6.21%) start with P, and 329 (5.84%) 4-letter words start with the letter D.
- It’s interesting that only 13% of 4-letter words start with the vowel.
- Only 2 words with 4 letters start with X, making it the least common starting letter.
Letter | Starting with | Starting with % |
S | 495 | 8.78% |
T | 359 | 6.37% |
B | 354 | 6.28% |
P | 350 | 6.21% |
D | 329 | 5.84% |
C | 320 | 5.68% |
M | 313 | 5.55% |
G | 282 | 5.00% |
L | 278 | 4.93% |
A | 275 | 4.88% |
R | 269 | 4.77% |
H | 263 | 4.66% |
F | 257 | 4.56% |
W | 217 | 3.85% |
K | 207 | 3.67% |
N | 169 | 3.00% |
O | 165 | 2.93% |
E | 161 | 2.86% |
J | 122 | 2.16% |
Y | 121 | 2.15% |
V | 116 | 2.06% |
I | 71 | 1.26% |
U | 65 | 1.15% |
Z | 58 | 1.03% |
Q | 20 | 0.35% |
X | 2 | 0.04% |
What are the most common ending letters in 4-letter words?
- Over one-fifth of 4-letter words end with the letter S, the most common ending letter in this group. 1,129 words with 4 letters end with S.
- The next most common ending letter in 4-letter words is E (12.40% of words), followed by T (7.77% of words).
- 327 (5.80%) of 4-letter words end with the letter A, and 299 words (5.30%) end with D.
- There is only one word with 4 letters that ends with Q, making it the least common ending letter in this group.
Letter | Ending with | Ending with % |
S | 1,129 | 20.02% |
E | 699 | 12.40% |
T | 438 | 7.77% |
A | 327 | 5.80% |
D | 299 | 5.30% |
K | 279 | 4.95% |
Y | 269 | 4.77% |
N | 260 | 4.61% |
L | 254 | 4.51% |
O | 221 | 3.92% |
R | 184 | 3.26% |
P | 182 | 3.23% |
H | 163 | 2.89% |
I | 160 | 2.84% |
M | 144 | 2.55% |
G | 142 | 2.52% |
F | 116 | 2.06% |
B | 83 | 1.47% |
U | 82 | 1.45% |
W | 74 | 1.31% |
Z | 43 | 0.76% |
C | 41 | 0.73% |
X | 32 | 0.57% |
V | 13 | 0.23% |
J | 3 | 0.05% |
Q | 1 | 0.02% |
What are the most common words with 4 letters?
In total, 4-letter words account for around 16.00% of all words used in everyday conversation and communication. This is despite the fact that 4-letter words account for only 2% of all words in the English language. Among this group, the most common words are:
- HAVE, which accounts for 1.04% of all words used daily, is the most common 4-letter word in English.
- It is followed by THAT (0.94%), WITH (0.75%), FROM (0.52%), and THIS (0.44%).
- Over 70% of 4-letter words are nouns and proper nouns, yet they only account for 18% of all 4-letter words used every day.
- 14.53% of words with 4 letters are verbs, accounting for 16.97% of all 4-letter words used in everyday communication.
- Adpositions are the most used type of 4-letter words, with a frequency of 12.18%.
Word | Word type | Frequency |
HAVE | Auxiliary verb | 1.04% |
THAT | Subordinating conjunction | 0.94% |
WITH | Adposition | 0.75% |
FROM | Adposition | 0.52% |
THIS | Determiner | 0.44% |
YOUR | Pronoun | 0.42% |
WILL | Auxiliary verb | 0.32% |
THEY | Pronoun | 0.30% |
MAKE | Verb | 0.22% |
ALSO | Adverb | 0.20% |
WHEN | Subordinating conjunction | 0.20% |
TIME | Noun | 0.19% |
MORE | Adverb | 0.18% |
WHAT | Pronoun | 0.18% |
TAKE | Verb | 0.17% |