6-Letter Words Starting With IT

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Results: 6 words

The list of 6-letter words starting with IT that you can find on this page come from the WordsRated dictionary, the Scrabble dictionary (both US and UK), and the Words With Friends dictionary. If you wish to select a specific dictionary then you can do that using the form on the right-hand side of the page.

In total, there are 6 6-letter words on this list. On average, they are worth 9.5 if you are able to find the words on Scrabble or Words With Friends.

But the best word of the lot is worth 12 points. The word is: ITCHED.

Beyond this list of 6-letter words starting with IT, we also have lists of related words including: 6-letter words ending in IT, 6-letter words with IT and words starting with IT.

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