8-Letter Words

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This page contains a list of all 42,150 words with 8 letters in the English language. The best way to utilize this list is with our WordFinder word tool, which can give you a list of all possible words you can use based on multiple criteria, such as length, included/excluded letters, Scrabble points you can get, etc.

List of all 8-letter words in the English language

42,150 words in the English language are 8-letter words, which is around 15.10% of all words. This makes 8-letter words the second largest group in English, trailing only 9-letter words. Along with this, words with 8 letters also account for 4.26% of all words used in everyday communication.

Considering their size, 8-letter words possess a big potential for word games like Word Collect, Words of Wonders, 4 Pics 1 Word, and many others. In the following section, you can read which letter is the most common in this group, which letter is the most common starting and ending letter among 8-letter words, and what are the most frequently used 8-letter words in English.

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What are the most common letters in 8-letter words?

Letter 8-letter words containing % of 8-letter words containing
E 28477 67.56%
S 25000 59.31%
I 23125 54.86%
A 21378 50.72%
R 20452 48.52%
N 18078 42.89%
T 17141 40.67%
O 16896 40.09%
L 15789 37.46%
D 11768 27.92%
C 11223 26.63%
U 10896 25.85%
G 9247 21.94%
M 8705 20.65%
P 8599 20.40%
H 7824 18.56%
B 6658 15.80%
Y 4860 11.53%
K 4222 10.02%
F 4220 10.01%
W 3560 8.45%
V 2988 7.09%
Z 1208 2.87%
X 933 2.21%
Q 631 1.50%
J 595 1.41%

The most common starting letters in 8-letter words

Letter 8-letter words starting with % of 8-letter words starting with
S 5358 12.71%
C 3742 8.88%
P 3310 7.85%
B 2789 6.62%
R 2315 5.49%
T 2295 5.44%
D 2279 5.41%
A 2229 5.29%
M 2191 5.20%
F 1915 4.54%
E 1688 4.00%
G 1500 3.56%
H 1463 3.47%
O 1332 3.16%
L 1317 3.12%
U 1303 3.09%
W 1132 2.69%
I 976 2.32%
N 815 1.93%
V 713 1.69%
K 551 1.31%
J 351 0.83%
Q 236 0.56%
Z 179 0.42%
Y 133 0.32%
X 38 0.09%

Most common ending letters among 8-letter words

Letter 8-letter words ending with % of 8-letter words ending with
S 14777 35.06%
E 4674 11.09%
D 4605 10.93%
G 3029 7.19%
R 2764 6.56%
T 2640 6.26%
Y 2216 5.26%
N 1610 3.82%
L 1263 3.00%
A 800 1.90%
M 787 1.87%
C 775 1.84%
H 626 1.49%
K 511 1.21%
O 274 0.65%
P 215 0.51%
I 213 0.51%
W 120 0.28%
X 104 0.25%
F 59 0.14%
B 38 0.09%
U 37 0.09%
Z 8 0.02%
V 5 0.01%
J 0 0.00%
Q 0 0.00%

What are the most common 8-letter words in the English language?

As already mentioned, words with 8 letters account for just over 4% of all words used during everyday communication, even though they account for more than 15% of all words in the vocabulary.

  • The most commonly used 8-letter word is the verb INCREASE, accounting for 1.23% of all 8-letter words used and 0.05% of all words overall.
  • It is followed by another verb, CONSIDER, accounting for 1.17% of all 8-letter words.
  • 61.41% of all 8-letter words are either nouns or proper nouns, 16.39% are verbs, and 17.16% are adjectives.
  • In terms of frequency of use, nouns and proper nouns account for more than 60% of all 8-letter words used in the everyday language, followed by verbs with 16.53% and adjectives with 15.82%.
Word Word type Frequency Frequency among 8-letter words
INCREASE Verb 0.05% 1.23%
CONSIDER Verb 0.05% 1.17%
NATIONAL Proper noun 0.05% 1.14%
RESEARCH Noun 0.04% 0.90%
BUSINESS Noun 0.03% 0.82%
CONTINUE Verb 0.03% 0.80%
POSSIBLE Adjective 0.03% 0.75%
ALTHOUGH Subordinating conjunction 0.03% 0.72%
QUESTION Noun 0.03% 0.71%
ACTIVITY Noun 0.03% 0.70%
ELECTION Noun 0.03% 0.69%
YOURSELF Pronoun 0.03% 0.64%
TOGETHER Adverb 0.03% 0.64%
MINISTER Proper noun 0.03% 0.64%
POSITION Noun 0.03% 0.64%

Find words that start with these letters (e.g. T ⇒ Train, TH ⇒ THought)
Find words that end with these letters (e.g. T ⇒ carT, TH ⇒ paTH)
Find words that contain letters in this order (e.g. TH ⇒ THought, paTH, eTHos)
Only shows words of a specific length (e.g. 5 ⇒ 5 letter words, 3 ⇒ 3 letter words)