60 words with 9 letters from the dictionary end with TA, and we listed them all on this page. Our Unscrambling tool will assist you if you want to see how many shorter words you can make from each word in this group.
You might also be interested in looking at 9-letter words that start with TA – we get you covered in that case as well. Also, if TA has to be an ending phrase of your word but you want to explore more options, we have a list of all words that end in TA, up to 28 letters long.
These words also have high value for Scrabble, among other popular word games. If you’re using them for Scrabble, here’s what you should know:
- You will score 12.33 points in Scrabble for playing the average 9-letter word ending in TA.
- The most Scrabble points you can get for a word from this group is 23 by playing the word RHIZOMATA.
- 8 words from this group start with the letter A, making it the most common starting letter on the list.