Jack Carr Statistics

  • As of 2021, Jack Carr (a former Navy SEAL) was ranked 6th in a list of the fastest growing thriller authors.
  • All of Jack Carr’s 6 book titles are within the thriller genre, however he plans to launch a nonfiction series in 2024.
  • Much of Jack Carr’s success as an author can be attributed to his presence on social media, where he shares pictures and tales from his time in the military.
  • He is also known to have many digital interactions with his fans, which has helped him grow and maintain a fanbase of loyal readers.
  • Jack Carr’s book titles have had to go through a review process from the US Department of Defense, delaying their release dates.
  • This has resulted in certain sentences and paragraphs of his writings being redacted due to security reasons (some of which were revealed at a later date).
  • Jack Carr’s first novel, The Terminal List (2018), was adapted into a TV series and released on Amazon Prime Video in 2022.
  • In 2023, the series was renewed for a second season.
  • Jack Carr charges between $50,000 to $100,000 to speak at live events.
  • He also charges between $30,000 to $50,000 to speak at virtual events.

Jack Carr books in order

  • As of 2023, Jack Carr has released 6 book titles.
  • The first title released by Jack Carr was The Terminal List (2018).
  • The most recent title released by Jack Carr was Only the Dead (2023).
  • Since beginning his writing career in 2018, Jack Carr has released one title per year.
  • All of Jack Carr’s books have also been released as audiobooks.
#Release dateTitlePage countAudiobook length
1March 6, 2018The Terminal List40812h3m
2July 30, 2019True Believer49615h44m
3April 14, 2020Savage Son41612h56m
4April 13, 2021The Devil’s Hand52414h37m
5May 31, 2022In the Blood46012h8m
6May 16, 2023Only the Dead56415h17m

Jack Carr FAQ

What order to read Jack Carr books?

  • Readers are recommended to read Jack Carr’s novels in the order of their publication date.
  • However, Jack Carr’s titles can also be read as standalones, making it easy for new readers to begin reading where they choose.
  • This is due to each book containing its own story arc and mystery, resolved by the end of each novel.

What SEAL team was Jack Carr on?

  • As part of the Navy SEALs, Jack Carr started as a sniper as part of communications and intelligence.
  • He transitioned to become a Team Leader, Platoon Commander, Troop Commander and Task Unit Commander over the course of his military career during the Global War on Terrorism.